Cooked ham processing : a simple rheological test to evaluate slicing yield

Cooked ham processing : a simple rheological test to evaluate slicing yield

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Auteurs : Boutten B, Ripoche A, Vendeuvre JL
We investigated the effect of biological and technological factors on ham processing by studying the resistance characteristics of sliced ham.The rheological characteristics of the sliced ham were evaluated using the Reichert model and by measurement of compression using the Instron 6 022 machine.The variables muscle, nitrite salt concentration and epymisium had a significant effect in compression test, p

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Cooked ham processing : a simple rheological test to evaluate slicing yield

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Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (FRA), 1998, Vol. 19, n° 5, septembre-octobre, p. 211-214, 6 réf., 7 fig., 3 tab., en français

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