Characteristics of the pork industry chain in Germany : prices, organization and relationships between players

Characteristics of the pork industry chain in Germany : prices, organization and relationships between players

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Auteurs : Legendre V, Rieu M
Between the moment when the pigs leave the farm and the retailing of pork products, French and German sectors show different price levels. Retail prices seem particularly lower in Germany. A study was carried out to validate this assessment and put forward explanations regarding the German pork sector’s organization and functioning. This paper gives a synthesis about price comparisons and analyses the German sector’s main characteristics, such as the high market share of Hard Discount,manufacturers’ competitiveness and intensive search for added value, or strong competition between retailers.

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Titre :

Characteristics of the pork industry chain in Germany : prices, organization and relationships between players

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Référence :

44es Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 7-8 février 2012, Paris, p. 239-240

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