Gene banks for European endangered breeds of pigs . The situation in France, Germany, Italy and Spain

Gene banks for European endangered breeds of pigs . The situation in France, Germany, Italy and Spain

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Auteurs : Labroue F, Luquet M, Guillouet P, Bussière JF, Glodeck P, Wemheuer G, Gandini G, Pizzi F, Delgado JV, Poto A, Ollivier L
This article presents the results of conservation of pig genetic resources over the period 1996-2000, supported by the European Commission (EC) in 4 countries of the European Union. Those actions associate in situ maintaining of local breeds and ex situ cryopreservation. In Europe, the emphasis is generally put on the exploitation of qualitative aspects of products associated to endangered breeds, and on various possibilities of economic valuation of the latter. A particular attention is also given to establishing gene banks made of frozen semen. Practical aspects and requirements for pig gene banks are presented in this paper, as well as the costs involved, on the basis of the techniques presently available.The EC support has enabled France to extend its gene bank launched in 1982, and it has stimulated similar operations in the 3 other countries participating in this action. By the end of 2000, it is expected that about 25 000 AI doses will be in store, representing more than 250 boars, in the 4 countries considered.

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Titre :

Gene banks for European endangered breeds of pigs . The situation in France, Germany, Italy and Spain

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2000, Vol. 32, p. 419-427

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