Consumer portioned pork cuts : increasing shelf-life

Consumer portioned pork cuts : increasing shelf-life

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Auteurs : Corrégé I, De Montzey S, Rossel R
Fresh pork cuts packed in consumer portions without cling-film keeps for no more than five days. Two types of packaging process afford refrigerated meat a longer shelf-life ; vacuum packaging and controlled atmosphere packaging. The purpose of this work was to study the bacterial and organoleptic time course, and the weight loss, of pork chops on the bone versus different types of packaging in consumer portions, and different storage temperatures.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Consumer portioned pork cuts : increasing shelf-life

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (FRA), 1999, Vol. 20, n° 1, janvier-février, p. 13-16



Docteur Vétérinaire, DVM - Experte sur les problématiques de santé animale, hygiène et de biosécurité

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