Effects of evaporative cooling on pig house ambience and on fattening pig growth performance

Effects of evaporative cooling on pig house ambience and on fattening pig growth performance

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Auteurs : Dutertre C, Massabie P, Ginestet S, Granier R
Evaporative cooling produced on average a decrease in ambient temperature of 2.5°C when the exterior temperature was above 25°C. The maximum difference between the control room and the cooled room was 4.4°C. However, ambient humidity increased on average by 10% for a reduction of 1°C in temperature.The cooler and more humid conditions, characteristic of evaporative cooling, did not, in the present experiment, affect growth performance.Simulations using experimental results obtained in a totally controlled atmosphere suggest that an increase in growth of 13 g/d/°C could be obtained with this technique. The investment cost of this system is estimated to be around 36 FF/housing space in the weather conditions normally encountered in the south of France.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effects of evaporative cooling on pig house ambience and on fattening pig growth performance

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 1998, Vol. 30, p. 337-342

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