Pedigree and genomic evaluation of pigs using a terminal cross model

Pedigree and genomic evaluation of pigs using a terminal cross model

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Auteurs : Tusell L, Gilbert H, Riquet J, Mercat MJ, Legarra A, Larzul C
In a terminal cross, individuals from purebred parental lines are selected to produce crossbred individuals. Up to now, the inclusion of crossbred information for selecting parental lines has not led to a clear advantage compared to within line selection. Can this scenario change with the use of genomic information?

Fiche technique

Titre :

Pedigree and genomic evaluation of pigs using a terminal cross model

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Référence :

Sémnaire Selgen 2014, Entre Sélection et Génomique, 17-18 décembre 2014, Paris


Marie Jose Mercat

Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en génétique moléculaire et en génomique

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