Life Cycle Assessment of French livestock products : results of the AGRIBALYSE® program
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Auteurs :
Salou T, Espagnol S, Gac A, Ponchant P, Tocqueville A, Colomb V, Van Der Werf HMG
In 2009 two French laws were passed on the provision of reliable and complete environmental information on “product plus packaging” to consumers. The AGRIBALYSE programme has produced an LCI database of agricultural products at farm gate to: i) support environmental labelling and ii) provide benchmarks for improving agricultural production systems. AGRIBALYSE analysed a wide range of animal Product Groups and Contrasted Production Systems. LCIs were calculated using a single methodological frame (Koch and Salou, 2014). The Functional Unit for the study was kg (life weight, Fat and Protein Corrected Milk, egg). The indicators Global Warming Potential, non-renewable fossil energy demand, acidification, eutrophication and land occupation were analysed. This paper presents a synthesis of AGRIBALYSE results with a focus on pig production systems. In the last part of this paper we expressed our results using an economic allocation method to better compare them to literature references.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Life Cycle Assessment of French livestock products : results of the AGRIBALYSE® program
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
proceeings of the 9th international conference on life cycle assessment in the Agri-Food sector, 8-10 septembre 2014, San Francisco, Californie, Etats-Unis