IDI: an index to assess the usefulness of cryopreserved collections for the management of animal genetic diversity

IDI: an index to assess the usefulness of cryopreserved collections for the management of animal genetic diversity

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Auteurs : Jacques A, Duclos D, Danchin-Burge C, Mercat MJ, Tixier-Boichard M, Restoux G
Confronted with the erosion of genetic diversity in domestic animal populations, many countries such as France have created gene banks to limit this loss. However, it is crucial to evaluate the potential of these collections before using them for genetic diversity management. Thus, we propose a new Index of Diversity Impact, IDI, to evaluate and compare the diversity potential of collections. IDI is negative when the use of collections decreases the overall relatedness of the current population and positive when it increases it. IDI was used to evaluate the cryopreserved collections of the French National Cryobank of 14 breeds of three livestock species, pig, sheep and cattle. We obtained significantly negative IDIs for three breeds that differ in terms of collection strategy and population management. The IDI appears to be a relevant tool to help managers and breeders to quickly identify promising collections to be used in future breeding programmes.

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IDI: an index to assess the usefulness of cryopreserved collections for the management of animal genetic diversity

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Référence :

World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), 3-8 juillet 2022, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas


Marie Jose Mercat

Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en génétique moléculaire et en génomique

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