Admixture and breed traceability in European indigenous pig breeds and wild boar using genome‑wide SNP data

Admixture and breed traceability in European indigenous pig breeds and wild boar using genome‑wide SNP data

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Auteurs : Dadousis C, Munoz M, Ovilo C, Fabbri MC, Araujo JP, Bovo S, Candek-Potokar M, Charneca R, Crovetti A, Gallo M, Garcia-Casco J, Karolyi D, Kusec G, Martins JM, Mercat MJ, Pugliese C, Quintanilla R, Radovic C, Razmaite V, Ribani A, Riquet J, Savic R, Schiavo G, Skrlep M, Tinarelli S, Usai G, Zimmer C, Fontanesi L, Bozzi R
Preserving diversity of indigenous pig (Sus scrofa) breeds is a key factor to (i) sustain the pork chain (both at local and global scales) including the production of high-quality branded products, (ii) enrich the animal biobanking and (iii) progress conservation policies. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chips offer the opportunity for whole-genome comparisons among individuals and breeds. Animals from twenty European local pigs breeds, reared in nine countries (Croatia: Black Slavonian, Turopolje; France: Basque, Gascon; Germany: Schwabisch-Hällisches Schwein; Italy: Apulo Calabrese, Casertana, Cinta Senese, Mora Romagnola, Nero Siciliano, Sarda; Lithuania: Indigenous Wattle, White Old Type; Portugal: Alentejana, Bísara; Serbia: Moravka, Swallow-Bellied Mangalitsa; Slovenia: Krškopolje pig; Spain: Iberian, Majorcan Black), and three commercial breeds (Duroc, Landrace and Large White) were sampled and genotyped with the GeneSeek Genomic Profiler (GGP) 70 K HD porcine genotyping chip. A dataset of 51 Wild Boars from nine countries was also added, summing up to 1186 pigs (~ 49 pigs/breed). The aim was to: (i) investigate individual admixture ancestries and (ii) assess breed traceability via discriminant analysis on principal components (DAPC). Albeit the mosaic of shared ancestries found for Nero Siciliano, Sarda and Moravka, admixture analysis indicated independent evolvement for the rest of the breeds. High prediction accuracy of DAPC mark SNP data as a reliable solution for the traceability of breed-specific pig products.

Open access article available at the editor's website.

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Admixture and breed traceability in European indigenous pig breeds and wild boar using genome‑wide SNP data

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Référence :

Scientific Reports, 5 mai 2022, 13 pages


Marie Jose Mercat

Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en génétique moléculaire et en génomique

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