Whole-genome sequencing of cryopreserved resources from French Large White pigs at two distinct sampling times reveals strong signatures of convergent and divergent selection between the dam and sire lines

Whole-genome sequencing of cryopreserved resources from French Large White pigs at two distinct sampling times reveals strong signatures of convergent and divergent selection between the dam and sire lines

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Auteurs : Boitard S, Liaubet L, Paris C, Feve K, Dehais P, Bouquet A, Riquet J, Mercat MJ

Background: Numerous genomic scans for positive selection have been performed in livestock species within the last decade, but often a detailed characterization of the detected regions (gene or trait under selection, timing of selection events) is lacking. Cryopreserved resources stored in reproductive or DNA gene banks offer a great opportunity to improve this characterization by providing direct access to recent allele frequency dynamics, thereby differentiating between signatures from recent breeding objectives and those related to more ancient selection constraints. Improved characterization can also be achieved by using next-generation sequencing data, which helps narrowing the size of the detected regions while reducing the number of associated candidate genes.

Methods: We estimated genetic diversity and detected signatures of recent selection in French Large White pigs by sequencing the genomes of 36 animals from three distinct cryopreserved samples: two recent samples from dam (LWD) and sire (LWS) lines, which had diverged from 1995 and were selected under partly different objectives, and an older sample from 1977 prior to the divergence.

Results: French LWD and LWS lines have lost approximately 5% of the SNPs that segregated in the 1977 ancestral population. Thirty-eight genomic regions under recent selection were detected in these lines and the corresponding selection events were further classified as convergent between lines (18 regions), divergent between lines (10 regions), specific to the dam line (6 regions) or specific to the sire line (4 regions). Several biological functions were found to be significantly enriched among the genes included in these regions: body size, body weight and growth regardless of the category, early life survival and calcium metabolism more specifically in the signatures in the dam line and lipid and glycogen metabolism more specifically in the signatures in the sire line. Recent selection on IGF2 was confirmed and several other regions were linked to a single candidate gene (ARHGAP10, BMPR1B, GNA14, KATNA1, LPIN1, PKP1, PTH, SEMA3E or ZC3HAV1, among others).

Conclusions: These results illustrate that sequencing the genome of animals at several recent time points generates considerable insight into the traits, genes and variants under recent selection in a population. This approach could be applied to other livestock populations, e.g. by exploiting the rich biological resources stored in cryobanks.
This study LWDivSeq was supported by the CRB-Anim infrastructure, funded by the French National Research Agency (Grant Number ANR-11-INBS-0003) as part of the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir.

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Whole-genome sequencing of cryopreserved resources from French Large White pigs at two distinct sampling times reveals strong signatures of convergent and divergent selection between the dam and sire lines

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Référence :

Genetics Selection Evolution, mars 2023, volume 55, n° 13, 19 pages


Marie Jose Mercat

Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en génétique moléculaire et en génomique

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