Recent selection in French Large White pigs inferred from NGS data at two sampling times

Recent selection in French Large White pigs inferred from NGS data at two sampling times

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Auteurs : Boitard S, Liaubet L, Paris C, Feve K, Dehais P, Bouquet A, Riquet J, Mercat MJ
Poster présenté à la conférence SMBE (Society for molecular biology and evolution) 2023 :

Context: Genomic scans for selection based on modern genetic data often provide unsufficient characterisation of candidate regions (timing of selection? gene or trait under selection?) and have low power to detect recent selection.
Objectives: Illustrate that temporal sampling can overcome these limitations, using the case study of French Large White pigs.
General Approach:
1. Detect selection signatures in two divergent lines (LWD and LWS) and classify them into 4 distinct categories: convergent, divergent, specific to LWD, specific to LWS.
2. Compare the biological functions enriched in each category with the breeding objectives in LWD and LWS.
Conclusion: Selection signatures detected in this study are very consistent with the recent breeding objectives in French Large White pigs. Genomic time series are a promising approach to characterize the genes and traits under selection in a population.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Recent selection in French Large White pigs inferred from NGS data at two sampling times

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Conférence SMBE 2023 (Society for molecular biology & evolution), 23-27 juillet 2023, Ferrara, Italie, poster


Marie Jose Mercat

Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en génétique moléculaire et en génomique

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