Heated liquid feed : what effect on pigs ?

Heated liquid feed : what effect on pigs ?

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Auteur : Royer E
Why heating the liquid feed? This old idea is not longer in use, because proper insulation and heating of the barn provide good temperature conditions to pigs. Consequently, fattening pigs need a warming of liquid feed only to avoid very low temperatures.High water to feed ratios and diets mostly consisting of whey or liquid byproducts could be exceptions to this. However, heating of the feed may encourage young piglets to consume more feed, whereas feed efficiency remains unchanged. Some new liquid feeding systems distribute a warm liquid feed to weaned piglets, but few performance studies are available. Positive effects on health parameters have been demonstrated in several studies from northern Europe, which has promoted studies on fermented liquid feeds. Thus, farms producing their own renewable energy could have a benefit with warm liquid feed. This article reviews the main physiological, technical and economic aspects of warm liquid feed for pigs.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Heated liquid feed : what effect on pigs ?

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Référence :

Techni Porc (FRA), 2011, Vol. 34, n° 3, mai-juin, p. 23-30

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