Future environmental optimization of pig farming - expert projection

Future environmental optimization of pig farming - expert projection

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Auteurs : Espagnol S, Loussouarn A
To help pig farmers choose future options in response to environmental challenges, seven types of environment-friendly pig farms tailored to meet future requirements (in ten years) were designed on the advice of 35 experts. These types are based on three rationales, identified beforehand with the industry and the economic players expected to predominate in the future :(i) complementary crop and pig farming, (ii) economy of scale and work productivity and (iii) outsourcing of birthing. The systems then distinguish between type of production undertaken (standard or quality-labelled) and level of access to land, which directs effluent treatment. Expert projection was used to describe these systems in terms of good environmental farming practice, with in particular the setting of priorities for both the environmental impact to be considered and the practical points to be optimised.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Future environmental optimization of pig farming - expert projection

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (FRA), 2011, vol. 34, n° 2, mars-avril, p. 3-11



Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en bilans environnementaux des élevages porcins

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