Analysis of physio-metabolic parameters in relation with long or complicated farrowings in the sow

Analysis of physio-metabolic parameters in relation with long or complicated farrowings in the sow

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Auteurs : Vautrin F, Bories P, Boulot S, Père MC, Sialelli JN, Martineau GP
Long farrowing durations have negative impact on perinatal mortality and subsequent piglet survival. The aim of this work was to monitor the evolution of different physio‐metabolic parameters before and during parturition in order to clarify the mechanisms involved in complicated farrowings. The experiment wass performed in 4 LWxLR herds and involved 28 spontaneous farrowings (no injections nor assistance) on young nulliparous and primiparous sows. Sows were equipped with a jugular catheter and repeated blood sampling were performed before (once a day before 1st meal, on day‐3 to day 0) and during farrowing (once/hour). The following parameters were analysed : oestradiol, progesterone, hematocrit, hemoglobin, total proteins, glucose, non esterified fatty acids, bicarbonate, lactate, creatine kinase, calcium and magnesium. According to farrowing kinetics and occurrence of stillborns, sows were allocated to two groups of normal (N=14) vs complicated (N=14) parturitions. Farrowing duration (172 vs 297 min) and the rate of piglets born within 3 hours (93 vs 69 %) were different in the two groups. Differences bewteen groups were seen for calcium, magnesium, creatine kinase, total proteins and progesterone. Significant correlations were found between parturition duration and some parameters measured before farrowing or at the birth of the first piglet (calcium, magnesium, total protein, progesterone, oestradiol). Theses results suggest possible differences in uterine functioning, determined in late pregnancy.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Analysis of physio-metabolic parameters in relation with long or complicated farrowings in the sow

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), 2010, Vol. 42, février, p. 233-240



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en reproduction

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