Reproductive performance and overall economic results in French sow herds of contrasting prolificacy levels

Reproductive performance and overall economic results in French sow herds of contrasting prolificacy levels

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Auteurs : Boulot S, Badouard B
Poster. The development of hyperprolific sows has been associated with a huge increase in perinatal mortality. The aim of the present study is to re‐evaluate other possible side effects of high prolificacy on reproduction, subsequent weaning‐to‐sale performance and global economic results in French pig farms. This study is performed using data from the French National Pig Management database (GTTT GTE, namely) average annual reproductive performance in 2007 (2 226 herds) or economic results (1 300 farms). The analysis of the effects of prolificacy level ( ≤13 total born, ]13‐14], ]14‐15], >15), age at weaning (3 vs 4 weeks) and herd size (< 150, 150‐250, ≥ 250 sows) shows that despite higher pre‐weaning mortality, prolific herds have the best reproductive performance. Neither sow longevity nor performance during the subsequent weaning‐to‐sale period are impaired in prolific herds. The annual gross margin per sow differed by around 200 euros between the extreme groups. Despite higher veterinarian and medicine expenses, more prolific herds obtain better economic results mainly because of higher numerical productivity and better feed efficiency.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Reproductive performance and overall economic results in French sow herds of contrasting prolificacy levels

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), 2010 Vol. 42, février, poster, p. 47-48



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en reproduction


Ingénieure d’étude - Références techniques et technico-économiques

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