Energy cost control in pig barn heating and ventilation

Energy cost control in pig barn heating and ventilation

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Auteur : Marcon M
The scale of heat losses through pen walls makes it important not to cut corners on insulation and sealing quality. Ventilation-heating alone accounts for around 85% of total energy costs on a farrow-to-finish farm. Since air renewal rate dictates the building's energy needs for heating, the key factor lies with controlling airflows and minimum airflow rates. It is possible to make significant savings on heating by controlling aeration rates. It is important to optimize placement of the temperature control sensors regulating heating and aeration. Heating systems will give optimal performance if the heating appliances are placed intelligently in the airflow. Energy diagnostics appear necessary in order to pinpoint any areas where energy is being wasted.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Energy cost control in pig barn heating and ventilation

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Référence :

Techni Porc (FRA), 2009, Vol. 32, n° 1, janvier-février, p. 9-12



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