Analysis of genetic variability of Spanish and French pig populations from paternity test data

Analysis of genetic variability of Spanish and French pig populations from paternity test data

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Auteurs : Boitard S, San Cristobal M, Chevalet C, Torrento N, Meriaux J, Sanchez A, Mercat MJ, Tibau J
Poster. Purebred males of the Spanish and French populations of this study are quasi systematically subjected to paternity control. Ten microsatellite markers are in common between analyses realised in Spain and France. After the adjustment of allele sizes, it is possible to merge the two data sets, representing most of pure bred Duroc, Landrace, Large White and Piétrain boars in both countries. The genetic diversity analysis of these pig populations is presented, as well as the assignment of an individual to its breed. The population structure is identical to that observed in previous studies, with a clear clustering of populations within main breeds. The 10 microsatellites ensure a powerful detection of the breed of origin with a rate of assignation of 95-99%.Moreover, outlier animals can be detected with these approaches.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Analysis of genetic variability of Spanish and French pig populations from paternity test data

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2009, Vol. 41, février, poster, p. 27-28


Marie Jose Mercat

Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en génétique moléculaire et en génomique

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