What are the dosage feed pump practices employed in pig farming ?
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Auteurs :
Corrégé I, Dubois A
Among the many different drug administration routes, oral administration via drinking water makes it possible to efficiently treatdiseases early on, as soon as the initial symptoms arise. However, this administration system is only practicable if pig farms havethe appropriate equipment and if the farmers have a good working knowledge of how to maintain and use the equipment. Two surveys were led in farms equipped with dosage feed pumps in order to size up the current situation. The dosage feed pump most widely used is the fluid pressure pump. Pig farmers opt first to fit out nurseries and pig-weaning buildings.Overall, they are satisfied with the dosage feed pump system. In practical terms, the system is straightforward, easy to maintain,and offers approved heath efficiency.
Fiche technique
Titre :
What are the dosage feed pump practices employed in pig farming ?
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Référence :
Techni Porc (Fra), 2008, Vol.31, n° 5, septembre-octobre, p. 17-21
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