Competitiveness of pig farms internationally IFIP sets up an observatory

Competitiveness of pig farms internationally IFIP sets up an observatory

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Auteur : Graveleau C
IFIP is now using its website to release technical and commercial indicators on the competitiveness of pig farms internationally.Analysis of the results shows that Denmark, the Netherlands and France are still leaders as regards technical farming performance.Denmark shows up as especially dynamic. Westphalia, Catalonia and the US are still lagging behind the leading group.Economically, the production costs of French, Danish and Dutch pork pigs are equivalent. In the context of the recent feed price rise, production costs in each country have increased, but in different ways. In Brazil, the production cost of pork pigs, which depends closely on feed costs, is rising faster than in Europe. For the US and Canada, international competitiveness is influenced by currency exchange parity. In euros, the gap between European and North-American costs has widened dramatically.

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Titre :

Competitiveness of pig farms internationally IFIP sets up an observatory

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Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2008, vol. 31, n° 3, mai-juin, p. 25-29

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