Factors determining pork consumption in France: economical facts, consumers' expectancies and perceptions

Factors determining pork consumption in France: economical facts, consumers' expectancies and perceptions

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Auteur : Legendre V
The study of the factors determining pork meat consumption is a wide and complex topic. It requires the use of data of different types (quantitative and qualitative), coming from various disciplines, which can make their interpretation difficult.Based on a bibliographical approach of different studies, mainly concerning France, this paper is a synthesis on the various factors determining pork consumption. This analysis is focused on economical facts (prices and incomes), consumers’ expectancies and their perceptions of pork fresh meat and processed products.Prices appear to be a major determining factor of pork meat consumption. The study also underlines the fact that consumers need more information about livestock farming process, nutritional facts, meat cooking… Some of the factors such as health or ethical expectancies (environment, animal welfare) are ambiguous; therefore it is difficult to conclude on their real importance in the determination of pork consumption.

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Titre :

Factors determining pork consumption in France: economical facts, consumers' expectancies and perceptions

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2008, Vol.40

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