Frequent clearing of pig farm effluent using fresh effluent-based methods

Frequent clearing of pig farm effluent using fresh effluent-based methods

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Auteurs : Ramonet Y, Guivarch C, Landrain B, Robin P, Amrane A, Ochoa JC
This review presents methods that allow pig effluent to be cleared five to eight times a day from farm buildings.The mechanical systems use a scraper to collect and clear waste. Hydraulic systems use flushing methods, where liquid obtained from the effluent is used to clear waste. Emphasis is placed on floor guttering and sump arrangements, and on the methods used to obtain the flushing liquid.Ammonia emissions are reduced with fresh effluent systems. The review is illustrated with the set-ups installed at the regional pig farming station of the Brittany Chamber of Agriculture at Guernevez.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Frequent clearing of pig farm effluent using fresh effluent-based methods

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Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2007, Vol. 30, n° 2, mars-avril, p. 31-40

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