French pig farming results for 2007
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Auteur :
Massabie P
In 2007, feed prices rose on average by 23%, while pig selling prices fell by 8%. Hence the margins on feed and herd replenishmentcosts were strongly reduced, by 31% in the breeding and fattening sectors. Technical performance continued to improve, but the poor business climate made the impact of results minimal. Production costs topped out at values close to those seen during the 1997-98 crisis, strongly depressing pig farm incomes. As the business climate has been no better in the first half of 2008, the situation remains a serious cause for concern among a great many pig farmers.
Fiche technique
Titre :
French pig farming results for 2007
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Référence :
Techni Porc (Fra), 2007, Vol. 31, n° 3, mars-avril, p. 15-16