Salmonella in the pork industry : deployment of the action plan for 2009

Salmonella in the pork industry : deployment of the action plan for 2009

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Auteurs : Corrégé I, Dubroca S, Minvielle B, Salaün Y
European regulations will require the deployment of a pork industry monitoring plan for Salmonella, with sampling on-farm and through to processing, in time for 2009.In France, research and discussion is already welle underway to put forward a monitoring and sampling plan. The chosen method is meat juice serology, even though the serology kit to be used has not yet been decided. The sampling inspection plan and the farm ranking system are currently being drafted. Since good farming practices are to be promoted, an information pack has been developed and an official guide is being prepared. Research is being conducted on the measures to be taken at slaughterhouses and the logistics resources that will need to be deployed.

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Titre :

Salmonella in the pork industry : deployment of the action plan for 2009

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Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (FRA), 2006, Vol. 25, n° 2, mars-avril, p. 55-58



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