Intra and inter raw material variations in phosphorus digestibility of several cereals and peas in growing pigs

Intra and inter raw material variations in phosphorus digestibility of several cereals and peas in growing pigs

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Auteurs : Skiba F, Callu P, Castaing J, Paboeuf F, Chauvel J, Jondreville C
A trial was undertaken, using growing pigs (45-49kg), in order to estimate the intra and inter feedstuff variability of the digestibility of total phosphorus (P) and phytate P in wheat, triticale, barley, maize and peas. The intra feedstuff variability of P digestibility was generally low; however P digestibility in maize was more variable. Wheat, triticale and peas had the highest P digestibilities (respectively 52.0, 51.0, 49.0%), barley was intermediate (41.5%) and maize had the lowest value (27.3%). However, two of the maize varieties tested, which had low phytate P levels, had high P digestibility values (53.4%). The ranking of P digestibility between different feedstuffs was consistent with what previously observed by other authors. Phytase activity appeared to be a good criterion with which to predict P digestibility in wheat, triticale and barley, while phytate P was a good predictor in the case of maize and peas. Faecal phytate P digestibilities were very high and no intra or inter feedstuff differences were observed.

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Titre :

Intra and inter raw material variations in phosphorus digestibility of several cereals and peas in growing pigs

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2004, Vol.36, p. 9-16

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