Economic impact of the new regulations for the production of quality-labelled pigs

Economic impact of the new regulations for the production of quality-labelled pigs

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Auteurs : Gourmelen C, Rousseau P
This study shows the high additional cost arising from the application of the new specifications for quality-labelled pigs of 5 September 2002. Five types of finishing floor were tested in a technical and economic assessment, where the main change is an increase in space allowance. Additional feeding cost is the main impact when the pigs are raised on slatted flooring or outdoors, whereas increased space allowance and increased inputs (straw, work) induce more than half the extra cost when the pigs are raised on litter. The main challenge in meeting this production specification will thus be to ensure that the added value is realised over the whole carcass in order to spread the production costs.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Economic impact of the new regulations for the production of quality-labelled pigs

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2003, Vol. 26, n° 6, novembre-décembre, p. 17-20

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