Red label livestock and open air breeders with fattening on litter - Technico-economic results

Red label livestock and open air breeders with fattening on litter - Technico-economic results

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Auteurs : De Jubécourt D, Dutertre C, Badouard B
Barely 30% of initially selected livestock farms yielded technico-economic management results. The economic advantage of the livestock farms that were monitored offered little incentive and will have to beassessed over several financial years. Restricting start-up assistance to farms producing quality and origin certified livestock may allow the development of such production.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Red label livestock and open air breeders with fattening on litter - Technico-economic results

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Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2003, Vol. 26, n° 1, janvier-février, p. 13-18

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