Compared technical and economic performance of litter and full slatted flooring in fattening pens

Compared technical and economic performance of litter and full slatted flooring in fattening pens

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Auteurs : Laligant D, Rimoux D, Dutertre C
Raising pigs on straw litter means extra costs at all production stages; in order of importance: labour, cost of straw, cost of feed and of piglets. Calculations based on certain assumptions give a production cost ofover 0.13 €/kg carcass for pigs on litter. This extra cost can be recouped only through specific marketing circuits.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Compared technical and economic performance of litter and full slatted flooring in fattening pens

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2002, Vol. 25, n° 6, novembre-décembre, p. 15-18

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