Interactive effects of the RN and HAL genes on pigmeat quality : results on processing and slicing of cured-cooked ham

Interactive effects of the RN and HAL genes on pigmeat quality : results on processing and slicing of cured-cooked ham

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Auteurs : Le Roy P, Monin G, Kérisit R, Jeanot G, Caritez JC, Amigues Y, Lagant H, Boulard J, Billon Y, Elsen JM, Sellier P
An experiment was set up in order to estimate the interactive effects of the two genes HAL (N and n alleles) and RN (RN- and rn+ alleles) on the score of fresh ham destructuration and on slicing losses of cured-cooked hams. Pigs of the 9 combined RN-HAL genotypes were produced and about twenty hams per genotype were transformed in cured-cooked ham bars using the “ superior ham ” sliced-packed up process. The results show major effects of the two RN and HAL genes on destucturation score and slicing losses. The interaction effect between the RN- and n mutations is very significant.It increases the meat destructuration leading to higher proportion of slices rejected for exsudative status. On the contrary, it reduces the unfavourable effect of RN- on slice cohesiveness. The meat destructuration so appears as a consequence of fast pH fall after death associated with high muscular glycogen stores, reminding the PSE syndrome.Moreover, the relationships of destructuration score with growth or body composition traits seem to be slightly unfavourable.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Interactive effects of the RN and HAL genes on pigmeat quality : results on processing and slicing of cured-cooked ham

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2001, Vol. 33, p. 103-110

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