Economic incidence of possible future regulations regarding the welfare of intensively kept pigs on pig meat cost

Economic incidence of possible future regulations regarding the welfare of intensively kept pigs on pig meat cost

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Auteurs : Gourmelen C, Salaün Y, Rousseau P
Expected welfare regulations for pigs kept in intensive conditions should derive both from the recommendations featuring the report of the Scientific Veterinary Committee (1997) and from the following discussions within the Council of Europe. These proposals could have heavy incidence on design and management of pig housing systems and, further, on slaughter pig cost price, depending on the way they should be applied.Different types of housing chains were devised observing the suggested rules for space requirement, type of floor, sow restraining, with respect to technical reliability and farmer’s acceptability (working conditions).Investment costs, both for new buildings and existing housing alteration, are valuated through an analytic method (refering to detailed housing design and consultation of experts for data collection). Other extra-costs are also assessed ie manure storage, straw purchase and storage, labour costs, ... Expected variations in technical efficiency are based on literature review.The incidence of the different constraints on pig cost price strongly varies for every chain. A special mention has to be given to space requirement for piglets and fattening pigs. Housing systems using straw bedding litter, although they determine lower investment expenses, lead in current conditions to an increase of pig cost, because of straw purchase and added labour time needed.

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Titre :

Economic incidence of possible future regulations regarding the welfare of intensively kept pigs on pig meat cost

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Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2001, Vol.33, p. 325-331

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