Cutting of hams and loins : warm cutting is possible

Cutting of hams and loins : warm cutting is possible

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Auteurs : De Montzey S, Corrégé I
A study conducted by ITP on the comparison of warm and cold cutting shows that although the contamination evolves faster in the warm-cut than in the cold-cut meat, the level of contamination on reception by the customer is similar. Also, the core temperatures on reception are narrow-ranging and below 6°C.Warm cutting does not therefore prevent cuts of good bacteriological quality being obtained provided certain critical points are controlled.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Cutting of hams and loins : warm cutting is possible

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Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (FRA), Vol.19, n° 3, mai-juin, p. 139-142



Docteur Vétérinaire, DVM - Experte sur les problématiques de santé animale, hygiène et de biosécurité

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