Vacuum cooking and pre-slicing of cooked ham : two impellers of technical progress

Vacuum cooking and pre-slicing of cooked ham : two impellers of technical progress

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Auteur : Martin JL
Cooked ham makes up 20% of annual production of processed pork products in France. Demand is rising, especially for pre-sliced ham (up 10% in 1998).Accordingly, equipment suppliers are constantly searching for ways to improve existing processes, pending innovative technology.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Vacuum cooking and pre-slicing of cooked ham : two impellers of technical progress

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Référence :

Viandes et produits carnés (FRA), 1999, Vol. 20, n° 5, septembre-octobre, p. 205-209, 5 p., en français



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert en formulation et technologie des produits carnés et de charcuteries

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