Effects of a short exposure period to deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated wheat on health parameters and post weaning and fattening performances of pigs

Effects of a short exposure period to deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated wheat on health parameters and post weaning and fattening performances of pigs

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Auteur : Royer E

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Effects of a short exposure period to deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminated wheat on health parameters and post weaning and fattening performances of pigs

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Référence :

62nd Annual Meeting EAAP 2011, 29 août-2 septembre 2011, Stavanger, Norvège – Session 50 n°17, 62nd Annual Meeting EAAP 2011, 29 août-2 septembre 2011, Stavanger, Norvège – Session 50 n°17

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