Identification of possible and relevant post mortem reference methods for carcass composition

Identification of possible and relevant post mortem reference methods for carcass composition

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Auteurs : Daumas G, Donko T, Monziols M
• CT can provide accurate measurements of carcass and body composition of the farm animals. • CT has a recognized potential to be a primary reference, in particular for breeding purposes. • Building an international CT based reference would improve the comparisons, the market and the efficiency of the whole chains.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Identification of possible and relevant post mortem reference methods for carcass composition

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

FAIM II Second annual conference, 29-30 octobre 2013, Kaposvar, Hongrie, p. 14-17



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert français de la classification et du tri des pièces de découpe porcine


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