The PigSys Project aims to:
• Implement a multi-disciplinary approach at system level
• Develop a system model as a decision support tool
• Sustainable increase in system efficiency
• Favour evolution of sustainable, socially acceptable and economically
rewarding pig husbandry systems
• Improve public perception of the sector and reduce production costs
• Ensure relevance in EU and beyond.
Improving pig production: a whole system approach. Insights and proposals from PigSys
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Auteurs :
Sturm B, Quiniou N, Brossard L, Jeppsson KH, Myllerup K, Zacepins A, Müller S, Pexas G, Nasirahmadi A, Komasilovs V, Olsson AC, Dominiak K, Raut S, Udesen F, Marcon M, Edwards S
Fiche technique
Titre :
Improving pig production: a whole system approach. Insights and proposals from PigSys
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP ), Davos, 30 août - 3 septembre 2021, visuels