Perceptions of genome editing in farm animals by livestock stakeholders

Perceptions of genome editing in farm animals by livestock stakeholders

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Auteurs : Duclos R, Delanoue E, Journaux L, Guémené D, Sourdioux M, Bidanel JP
The objective of this study was to better understand the positions of the stakeholders of the livestock sector with respect to the use of genome editing techniques. A qualitative survey by semi-directive interviews was conducted with different actors of the livestock sector. It allowed to establish a typology of stakeholders in five categories (opponent, skeptical, cautious, enthusiastic, convinced) and to characterize the main arguments associated with the position of the different stakeholders.

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Fiche technique

Titre :

Perceptions of genome editing in farm animals by livestock stakeholders

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, WCGALP Committees, Juillet 2022, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, 4 pages

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