Phenolic compounds could interfere with secondary amine N-nitrosation in cured meat formulation and digestion

Phenolic compounds could interfere with secondary amine N-nitrosation in cured meat formulation and digestion

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Auteurs : Sirvins C, Goupy P, Promeyrat A, Dufour C
Nitrite is a common additive in cured meat formulation that provides microbiological safety, lipid oxidation management and typical organoleptic properties. However, nitrite is also associated with the formation of nitrosamines, some of them being associated with colon carcinogenesis.

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Phenolic compounds could interfere with secondary amine N-nitrosation in cured meat formulation and digestion

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Référence :

XXXIst International Conference on Polyphenols, 3-6 juillet 2023, Nantes, France



Ingénieure d'étude - Experte en biochimie des viandes et des produits transformés

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