The use of computed tomography for in vivo estimation of reticulo-rumen and omasum contents in Alpine goats

The use of computed tomography for in vivo estimation of reticulo-rumen and omasum contents in Alpine goats

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Auteurs : Pires JAA, Monziols M, Lamberton P, Huau C, De la Torre A, Lerch S
Precise in vivo measurement of reticulo-rumen content (volume and mass) is required for the study of digestive processes. Rumen-cannulated animals have been classically used for this purpose, whereas less invasive alternatives are currently investigated to meet the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (3Rs) ethical considerations in animal science. The objective was to compare in vivo reticulo-rumen and omasum volumes assessed by CT (CT) scan with post-mortem measurement of their respective digesta masses in dairy goats. Twenty Alpine dairy goats were scanned by CT, and the volume of reticulo-rumen and omasum were measured by CT image post processing. Goats were slaughtered immediately after CT scan and the masses of reticulo-rumen and omasum digesta were measured. Simple linear regressions were performed between volumes measured in vivo by CT and the corresponding digesta wet masses measured post-mortem. Reticulo-rumen and omasum volumes determined by CT were significantly and linearly regressed against the corresponding digesta masses measured post-mortem [R2 = 0.72 and 0.87, residual standard deviation (rSD) = 1.18 and 0.06 kg and residual coefficient of variation (rCV) = 11 and 12%, n = 20 and 19, respectively]. The use of CT is a promising non-invasive method to measure volume and estimate digesta masses of reticulo-rumen and omasum in small ruminants.

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The use of computed tomography for in vivo estimation of reticulo-rumen and omasum contents in Alpine goats

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Référence :

JDS Communications, mars 2024, article sous presse, 4 pages



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