Ultrasonographic evaluations of stomach and colostrum intake in newborn piglets
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Auteurs :
Boulot S, Hervé G
Poster présenté aux 15es IVPS-ESPHM.
In large litters, poor colostrum intake and hypothermia are major causes of pre-weaning mortality, with high rates of empty stomachs (40 to 70%) in necropsied piglets. Early detection of colostrum deprivation would support better care and survival. However, subjective evaluations on liveborn are imprecise.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the suitability of ultrasonographic stomach examination for future non-invasive real time detection of poor colostrum intake.
In large litters, poor colostrum intake and hypothermia are major causes of pre-weaning mortality, with high rates of empty stomachs (40 to 70%) in necropsied piglets. Early detection of colostrum deprivation would support better care and survival. However, subjective evaluations on liveborn are imprecise.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the suitability of ultrasonographic stomach examination for future non-invasive real time detection of poor colostrum intake.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Ultrasonographic evaluations of stomach and colostrum intake in newborn piglets
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
15e IPVS-ESPHM, 4-7 juin 2024, Leipzig, Allemagne, poster
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