Gain of muscle and feed-to-gain-of-muscle ratio measured by computed tomography in pig  selection

Gain of muscle and feed-to-gain-of-muscle ratio measured by computed tomography in pig selection

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Auteurs : Daumas G, Hassenfratz C, Monziols M
Computed tomography is an interesting technology in genetics, making it possible to access new criteria related to body composition and feed efficiency. The main objective of the present study was to compare these new criteria with the current criteria within sire lines and within dam lines

Fiche technique

Titre :

Gain of muscle and feed-to-gain-of-muscle ratio measured by computed tomography in pig selection

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Communication au 1er EAAP régional d'Europe centrale - 26-28 avril 2023, Nitra, Slovaquie



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert français de la classification et du tri des pièces de découpe porcine


Ingénieure d’étude - Interlocutrice des acteurs de la sélection porcine - ASP

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