Phenotyping tools and data collection for the agroecological transition

Phenotyping tools and data collection for the agroecological transition

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Auteurs : Pairault G, Allain C, Baumont R, Billon Y, Brard-Fudulea S, Brochard M, Dumont Saint-Priest B, Gaudillière N, Griffon L, Journaux L, Magadray J, Morin T, Tabouret M, Sourdioux M, Travel A, Bidanel JP
Livestock phenotyping (LiPh) has made significant progress in the recent years through the increasing use of digital technologies. When used appropriately, LiPh tools can be a significant lever for the agroecological transition (AET). The aim of this work was to carry out a multi-species review of recent advances in LiPh and of their potential contribution these to AET, with a focus on key traits (related to environmental impact, efficient use of feed and water resources, animal behaviour, welfare and health). New methods to improve the measurement of more standard phenotypes are also considered. Strengths and weaknesses of the different phenotyping technologies and tools are discussed.

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Phenotyping tools and data collection for the agroecological transition

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Référence :

75th Annual meeting of the European federation of animal science (EAAP),1-5 septembre 2024, Florence, Italie, poster

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