Environmental and socioeconomic references of French conventional pig systems

Environmental and socioeconomic references of French conventional pig systems

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Auteurs : Rugani A, Espagnol S, Baratte C, Roguet C, Marcon M, Tailleur A, Rigolot C, Dourmad JY
This study aims to produce multicriteria environmental figures (using Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) associated with socioeconomic indicators for different types of pig units representative of the main French production standards. Eight systems are assessed, defined by their size, the degree of specialization and the location of the pig unit, the slurry management and the pig feeding strategy. The results are expressed per kilogram live pig produced at the farm level, and the field for Life Cycle Analysis includes production and supply of inputs, construction of buildings, pig breeding and management of slurry. These reference standards provide a picture of the socioeconomic and environmental performance of French pig production systems and of their variability between and within systems. The environmental results make it possible to identify the most strategic and easily attainable options of improvement. The efficiency of different strategies is evaluated in connection with feed formulation, improvement of animal performance, and the implementation of recommended good environmental practices. The socioeconomic indicators show the various levels of access to the action levers.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Environmental and socioeconomic references of French conventional pig systems

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

44es Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), 2012, 7-8 février 2012, p. 109-114



Ingénieure d’étude - Experte en bilans environnementaux des élevages porcins


Chef de projet, PhD - Experte sur les problématiques d'acceptabilité sociétale et sur l'économie des exploitations d'élevage


Directeur R&D, IT et numérique

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