Effect of acidifying fattening feed to reduce carriage of Salmonella in high prevalence pig herds

Effect of acidifying fattening feed to reduce carriage of Salmonella in high prevalence pig herds

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Auteurs : Corrégé I, Le Roux M, Royer E, Rémigereau O
Poster. In five commercial herds with high level of infection with Salmonella spp., studies were carried out to investigate the effect of the incorporation of potassium diformate in the diet of fattening pigs on Salmonella prevalence at slaughter. For each trial, meat juice samples were collected at slaughter and were analyzed for Salmonella antibodies using the Idexx serological test before, during treatment (3 consecutive batches) and 5 and 7 months after treatment. Three patterns of Salmonella prevalence evolution emerged. In one herd, prevalence was reduced during treatment but increased after the end of treatment. In 2 herds, it also decreased during treatment and remained low thereafter. For the 2 other farms, the presence of Salmonella was not affected by the treatment.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effect of acidifying fattening feed to reduce carriage of Salmonella in high prevalence pig herds

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (FRA), 2010, Vol. 42, février, poster, p. 217-218



Docteur Vétérinaire, DVM - Experte sur les problématiques de santé animale, hygiène et de biosécurité

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