Effect of pig sexing and the period of restricted feed supply on growth performance

Effect of pig sexing and the period of restricted feed supply on growth performance

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Auteurs : Quiniou N, Massiot A
The effect of pig sexing on growth performance and carcass composition was investigated under two feeding strategies. In RALIB treatment, initial feed supply averaged 4% of initial body weight and increased by 25 g/d/pig afterwards. In LIBRA treatment, pigs were fed ad libitum up to 2.5 kg/d. Pigs were group-housed by 6.No significant difference on growth performance was observed at slaughter between both feeding strategies, except on carcass leanness that was higher in LIBRA pigs. At the 1st slaughtering, LIBRA pigs were more homogeneous than RALIB, but in this latter treatment homogeneity tended to be improved when gilts and barrows were bred separately.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Effect of pig sexing and the period of restricted feed supply on growth performance

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Référence :

techni Porc (Fra), 2008, Vol. 31, n° 3, mai-juin, p. 39-41



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en nutrition animale

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