Feed allowance to the hyper prolific sows should be increased during late gestation
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Auteurs :
Quiniou N, Maupertuis F
How does the increase of feed allowance during the last two weeks of pregnancy influence piglets and hyper prolificsows’ characteristics at birth and during lactation? In order to answer to this question two trials were carried out in theexperimental stations of Romillé (5 batches of 24 sows each, studied in in-door conditions) and Trinottières (3 batches of27 sows each studied either in in-door or out-door conditions). At Romillé, sows overfed during late gestation received on average 0.8 kg/d additional feed, at Trinottières the corresponding extra supply was 0.5 kg/d. Overall feed supply during gestation was similar among both feeding plans that resulted in similar body weight and backfat thickness beforefarrowing. In such conditions, increasing feed supply during late gestation improved farrowing progress and piglets’ vitality at birth. In out-door conditions, within litter homogeneity of body weight recorded at 3 days of life was also more important. In contrast, birth weight was not systematically influenced by the feeding conditions. According to a 3rd treatmentstudied in Trinottières, the improvement mentioned above were less important when increased feed allowance in late gestation was not anticipated before and lead to a more important overall feed intake during gestation.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Feed allowance to the hyper prolific sows should be increased during late gestation
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Référence :
Techni Porc (FRA), 2007, Vol. 30, n° 6, novembre-décembre, p. 11-17
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