Importance of abortions in french sow herds

Importance of abortions in french sow herds

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Auteurs : Boulot S, Badouard B
Abortions are sporadic and probably under estimated events. The analysis of the technical management national data basis showed that about 60% of french sow herds registered abortions in 2004. The average annual abortion rate is low in these herds : about 1% of interrupted pregnancies. However, in somes cases of severe abortion storms, higher figures may be calculated during shorter periods. Therefore, more than 10% of herds have annual abortion rates above the critical value of 2%. These reproductive troubles may impact on economicefficiency, because of late abortions (85 days on average) and subsequent poor reproductive performances.Despite a slight increase in the number of concerned herds, figures showed little variations between 2000 and 2004. Abortions still exhibit seasonal variations, with peak values in autumn. Gilts are more frequently affected than multiparous sows. Simultaneous high rates of abortions and mummies occur in 4% herds, suggesting possible involvement of specific infectious agents. However, determination of risk factors must take all management factors into account.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Importance of abortions in french sow herds

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2006, Vol. 29, n° 5, septembre-octobre, p. 11-18



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en reproduction


Ingénieure d’étude - Références techniques et technico-économiques

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