Evaluation of practical use and potential benefits of ultrasonographic puberty diagnosis in sow herds

Evaluation of practical use and potential benefits of ultrasonographic puberty diagnosis in sow herds

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Auteurs : Boulot S, Morvan R, Martinat-Botté F
This is the first report about the possible use of "standard" ultrasonographic equipment to diagnose puberty, among sow herds. Ultrasound examinations were performed on 63 gilts (180-200 days old), with a portable device and a 5Mhz linear probe. Accuracy was high (97%) and close ton comparison values provided by a medical quality equipment. Asector probe was tested on 90 gilts and was less efficient, but partly because of a high rate of immature females. Animal restraint may influence quality and duration of diagnosis. Examinations were routinely performed in 4 herds on a total of 232 gilts. Results showed important within and between herd variations in puberty occurrence. About 20 % of the gilts proved to be sexually immature at the beginning of progestagen treatment. In these animals oestrus synchronization was less efficient, but no apparent specific effect on fertility occured. We discuss practical considerations and potential benefits of the technique.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Evaluation of practical use and potential benefits of ultrasonographic puberty diagnosis in sow herds

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Journées de la Recherche Porcine (Fra), 2006, Vol.38, 31 janvier-02 février, p. 475-482



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en reproduction

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