The WTO relaxes import protection measures: what risks for the French pork market?

The WTO relaxes import protection measures: what risks for the French pork market?

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Auteurs : Marouby H, Gourmelen C, Van Ferneij JP, Rieu M
The aim of this study was to assess the potential competitiveness of the EU’s major competitors and evaluate their import prospects and the effects on French national production and the French pork market. The EU is the leading pork meat exporter worldwide, but it is currently facing increasingly stiff competition from its major competitors. Brazil, which is highly dependent on the Russian market, is looking to widen its market outlets.Canada is renowned for its know-how on the pork meat export market. The USA has recently become a net exporter of pork meat. Today’s consumers who are particularly responsive to prices are looking for ‘basic’ products.These market features are changing the constraints and requirements facing the pork meat production and curing industry, which now push more towards lowering costs. The volumes involved combined with attractive purchase prices will inevitably threaten the European market.

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Titre :

The WTO relaxes import protection measures: what risks for the French pork market?

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Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2005, Vol. 28, n° 6, novembre-décembre, p. 3-9



Ingénieur agroéconomiste - Expert en charge de la veille internationale sur l’aval de la filière porcine

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