Pharmalogical management of reproduction in sow herds : french practices

Pharmalogical management of reproduction in sow herds : french practices

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Auteurs : Boulot S, Dubroca S, Badouard B
A survey was conducted in 2004 among 200 French sow herds, in order to describe their pharmalogical management of reproduction.They belonged to a group of highly economically and technically efficient farms. Hormonal synchronization of oestrus is practiced among 82% of herds, but without any prior puberty evaluation for 40% of them. More than 45% of herds may occasionnaly use treatments in case of oestrus problems on gilts or weaned sows. Gonadotrophin is cited in 80% of cases, either alone or in association with prostaglandins. Altrenogest is delivered in 54% of them, to prevent batch disorganization, and in case of early weaning.Farrowing synchronization occurs in 82% of the herds and pregnancies may be prolonged among 5 % of them. 86% of herds use oxytocin during farrowing, mostly occasionally. Sergotonine® and post-partum prostaglandins have a more systematic use. Sows are inseminated in 98% of herds, on average 2.5 times/oestrus and in presence of boars. With the exception of lubricants and antiseptics, few treatments are delivered at the time of insemination.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Pharmalogical management of reproduction in sow herds : french practices

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Techni Porc (Fra), 2005, Vol. 28, n° 5, septembre-octobre, p. 9-12



Docteur Ingénieure, PhD - Experte en reproduction


Ingénieure d’étude - Références techniques et technico-économiques

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