Destructured meat : effects of slaughter system and weather conditions

Destructured meat : effects of slaughter system and weather conditions

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Auteurs : Vautier A, Minvielle B, Boulard J, Bouyssière M, Houix Y
The experiment studied three different industrial slaughter systems. Meteorogical parameters were also recorded in an attempt to explain seasonal variations in meat quality. This study revealed an effect of outside temperature on the ocurrence of destructured meat, the incidence of the defect increasing with higher temperatures. The study also confirmed the relationships between destructuration, pH and colour measurements. Slaughter system does not appear to be a major risk factor for the destructuration defect when feed withdrawal is fully controlled and when a minimum 2 hr rest period at the slaughter house is complied with.

Fiche technique

Titre :

Destructured meat : effects of slaughter system and weather conditions

Date sortie / parution :


Référence :

Vol.24 5



Ingénieur d’étude - Expert sur la qualité technologique des viandes

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