Cleaning-disinfecting slaughterhouse holding pens: a key process in the fight against Salmonella infection
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Auteurs :
Mircovich C, Minvielle B
A 4-step protocol including detergency and disinfection provides effective elimination of Salmonella and total microbial contamination in slaughterhouse holding pens. However, given the man-hours and labour required, it is difficult to implement in all bays on a daily basis. Analysis of surfaces that were clean at the start of the week showed that daily use of a disinfectant following prewashing and direct mid-to-high pressure power spraying was sufficiently effective against salmonella and other bacteria. It would be useful to evaluate both the long-term efficiency of this disinfection process without previous detergent treatment and the impact of mechanical cleaning on wear and tear in the facilities. Despite the significant investment involved, other strategies – such as changes in pig pen design or automation of certain phases – could, if effective, prove useful in the long term by cutting labour expenses, which are the most expensive cost item in cleaning-disinfecting operations.
Fiche technique
Titre :
Cleaning-disinfecting slaughterhouse holding pens: a key process in the fight against Salmonella infection
Date sortie / parution :
Référence :
Techni Porc (FRA), 2005, Vol. 28, n° 3, mai-juin, p. 31-34
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